Hey, I'm
Luis Güette

I'm a tech guy and I love to make software products with the last technology trends.

Luis Güette photo

I'm an electrical engineer who always loved software development, and learn how to make products for whatever cool device I found. I live in Venezuela, and from the very beginning I started to make remote software projects. I have worked with people in Venezuela, USA, Spain, Australia, Argentina, England, Italy, and so on.

My main focus is on buildingsoftware products. I work mainly with in software development with Laravel, React, VueJS but I'm not limited to that, I think that one of the best quality I have is that I keep learning new technologies, practices, design patterns, to improve my criteria about building software.

I see the future really interesting about multiplatform development. So, I've been working on Flutter; but without forgetting what I think is the most important part of software development, the backend. I work everyday to improve my coding skills and focus in always having clean and organized code.

There are so many things that I've been working on and I want to show you. So, please check my website and see what I can offer.


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What I'm working on

Swim's website

Swim's App

The social network of the next generation.

Swim's website

Mango Automation Docs

I'm building the new documentation website for Mango Automation.

Swim's website

Swim's Website

The website for the social network of the next generation.

Smart parking platform

Building Management System with Mango

Manage your building remotely with Mango

Finally, check
What are my skills

Udacity logo

Self-Driving Cars Engineer

I learned about computer vision, deep learning, sensor fusion, localization, planning, control, and system integration.

Mango logo

Mango Automation

A really cool software for building apps for IIoT with web based technologies, I'm part of the development team.

Flutter logo


A framework for building cross-platform apps. I'm really excited about this one. I'm building some mobile apps with it.

Statamic logo


The best CMS that I know. I love to work with it, it is just as flexible as you want.

Laravel logo


Called the "PHP< framework for web artisans". It is one of the best web frameworks out there to make web development.

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React Native

This is a framework for building cross-platform apps with ReactJS. You can share code with native apps as well.